We`ve managed to slip through all checkpoints and security with our luggage that really don`t fit the prefix hand-. It`s multi-piece, big and not at all carry-on-able. But here we are, with our five laptops, four hats, one ukulele and half a ton of leftovers from the suitcases... We donated a pair of flippers to one of the locals at Kona airport, ate all the oranges in five minutes and somehow managed to bring all the rest.
Our last weekend in Big Island was a heartwarming exclamation mark after our most memorable quarter ever. Beach party with Chinese, Swedish and American friends from Foundation School, potluck with the fast and future-oriented guys in Crown Media and not to forget, strawberry shortcake at Scott`s and Sandy`s house with our wordly and wise friends halfway down the hill. Thank you all!!
Monday shows up every week, and this one was…. different. It turned out to be a great day for the honorable pigs in the campusfarm, they became the beneficiaries of the frozen memories of our stay, half a cup of frozen yogurt (too expensive to throw away two weeks ago), bagels and sandy pancakes(been to the beach a couple of times), a slice of pizza bought on a full stomach from students raising money to their Mexico outreach….. Well, anyway, the pigs are used to a mosaic menu, a bit of this, a bit of that, a bit of tuna, a bit of beef, mixed with a drop of sweet and sour, jam and spoiled milk from breakfast.
I just wonder, how did our stuff manage to multiply in 12 weeks? And why did I find 48 small bags of salt in my drawer? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, …and so am I…. As I am saying bye, bye we`ve boarded the Amsterdam-plane, we`ve just passed Great Britain and are soon descending to 4 degrees and rain. One of the kids is still wearing his shorts, t-shirts, flip-flaps and needless to say, a brand new cold. We`ll miss you, the little apartment and the Big Island! So long!
PS. Tiden flyr!! Skjærtorsdag allerede, det var tirsdag ettermiddag da vi dro. 11-12.000 kilometer på fire fly er vel egentlig en prøvelse, men ungene digger KLM med film i seteryggen foran og babyregime i cateringen: mat hver tredje time. Eksotisk til siste slutt, men nå er det snart klart for suppe og sightseeing blant sauene på Sagbakken. Kanskje på tide? Anglifiseringen tok nye høyder på slutten. – Eg skrapte av platå mi i sinken te David`s mom! Eller for å si det med jentungen. – Inni meg e eg halvvegs Hawaii å halvvegs skogstur.
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